Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Turkey Tuesday 11.25.14

Freshman College Prep Agenda
Tuesday: November 25, 2014
EQ:  How does an author’s message differ across a variety of mediums?
What skills have I mastered so far?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away for now

1.     Of Mice and Men
a.     Written analysis of scenes: Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums, determining which details are emphasized in each account. 
b.     Complete written response.  Review, revise, submit.
2.     Strengths and Weaknesses
a.     Blog
b.     Grades
c.     Goals

HW: Enjoy your break!

Today, your students came up with this list of items to review for the final exam (and how they think it will be assessed):

Identify lit devices (based on use in story)
Identify theme (read a story)
Annotate (take notes on provided story)
Reading comprehension (read story; respond)
Summarizing (read article; provide accurate summary)
Quote Integration (read story; write response; include integrated quote)
Essay response (from reading)
Punctuation/grammar/MLA format
Identifying story elements (Explain WHY elements get used)
Central Claim--identify or write our own. Or both.  

We will go over exactly what is on the exam next week, with suggestions about how to prepare, but for now, students should review this list, and considering strengths and weaknesses, begin to prepare/review for the exam.

Junior Honors Agenda
Tuesday: November 25, 2014

EQ: How do ideas come across differently in different medium?
Tech Expectations: Closed and put away
1.     Gatsby film #2
a.     Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums, determining which details are emphasized in each account.
2.     Written response
a.     Share
b.     Submit

HW:  Have a great break!

1.  Which version of the film did you think was better? Why?
2.  Which version of the film did you LIKE better?  Why?

Junior College Prep Agenda
Tuesday: November 25, 2014

EQ: What is best about my writing?  What do I wish I could still improve?
What elements of a text are most important?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away for now

1.      Essays
a.     Read aloud
b.     Adjustments, if needed
c.     Submit
2.      Article for discussion
a.     Q’s
b.     Share
c.     Discuss

HW: Have a great break!

1.  Did you make any adjustments to your essay before you turned it in?
2.  What did you think of the article you read today?  What is your opinion on the topic?