Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Try It Tuesday 2.17.15

Freshman College Prep Agenda

Tuesday: February 17, 2015
What elements are needed for a successful essay?

Tech Expectations: Open and on
Photos from Thursday?
Turn in outline to Schmitt

1.     Quote integration practice
b.     Use your given number for your name on todaysmeet.com/schmitt3

2.     Interacting with text: how to use research (DEJ)

HW:  DEJ response tomorrow

Complete draft for Thursday

Junior Honors Agenda
Tuesday: February 17, 2015

EQ:  How does Shakespeare use language to convey a message?
What acting choices best express Shakespeare’s intent?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away
Photos from Thursday? Share, please!

1.     Summative assessment on Shakespearian passage
2.     Prep time for presentation

HW: Prep for summative presentation (Thursday/Friday)

Junior College Prep Agenda
Tuesday: February 17, 2015
EQ:  What makes a reliable source?
How can I best organize my essay?

Tech Expectations: Open and on

Turn in Entering the Conversation; share Padlet

1.     Outlining (on classroom)
2.     ACT pre-test requirements (bubbling)

HW: Outline due Thursday