Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Try It Tuesday 2.24.15

Freshman College Prep Agenda

Tuesday: February 24, 2015
EQ:  How does an author manipulate a text for an achieved effect?

Tech Expectations: Open and on

1.     Turn in essay (on TURN IT IN)
2.     Book review, choices
3.     Short film analysis; written response


Junior Honors Agenda
Tuesday: February 24, 2015

EQ:  How does Shakespeare use language to convey a message?
What acting choices best express Shakespeare’s intent?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away

1.     Presentations/Performances!
2.     Word play

HW: none

Junior College Prep Agenda
Tuesday: February 24, 2015
EQ:  What makes a reliable source?
How do I start to break down my research?

Tech Expectations: Open and on

Turn in  DEJ--if you have not yet

1.     Research Information; They Say; I Say excerpt
a.     Present from yesterday
2.     DEJ work time: get #2 done

HW:  DEJ #2