Friday, March 6, 2015

Festive Friday 3.6.15

Freshman College Prep Agenda

Friday: March 6, 2015
EQ: What compels me to be a reader?
What are my reading strengths?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away

1.     R&R—oral response
a.     Best Sentence
b.     Best Word
2.     Choice novel excerpts and q’s

HW:  Group reading assignment for Tuesday, March 10.

Take notes on YOUR GROUP TOPIC. Mark or write down specific examples/sentences you think are important.  Be prepared to share them.

1.  What did you think of the excerpt from the other book?

Junior Honors Agenda
Friday: March 6, 2015

EQ:  What provides the strongest base for an argument?
What sources are reliable (or not)?

Tech Expectations: Open and on
TURN IN ESSAY—with rubric stapled to back

1.     Sentence Fluency Winners
2.     Getting to Know my Choice College/University—complete; if not for HW
3.     Questions for inquiry
a.     How would you answer?
b.     What would you need to find?
c.     Where would you look?

HW: Getting to Know my Choice College/University—complete if needed
Practice Inquiry

1.  What goal did you set for yourself (for before graduation)?

Junior College Prep Agenda
Friday: March 6, 2015
EQ:  What components make writing good?
What elements best support an argument?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away

1.     Turn in draft
2.     Warm-up
3.     Revising on own

HW:  Final essay due TUESDAY

1.  Did you have the opportunity to have Mrs. Schmitt take home your essay this weekend?