Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thoughtful Thursday 3.5.15

Freshman College Prep Agenda

Thursday: March 5, 2015
EQ: What compels me to be a reader?
What are my reading strengths?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away

1.     Read novel; take notes
2.      Organization and teamwork task

HW:  Group reading assignment for Tuesday, March 10.

Take notes on YOUR GROUP TOPIC. Mark or write down specific examples/sentences you think are important.  Be prepared to share them.

Junior Honors Agenda
Thursday: March 5, 2015

EQ:  What makes good sentence fluency in writing?
How can I make the best choice for me for college?

Tech Expectations: Open and on

1.     Sentence Fluency Vote
2.     Presentation
3.     Getting to Know my Choice College/University

HW: Final draft due tomorrow

Junior College Prep Agenda
Thursday: March 5, 2015
EQ:  How can I incorporate my research in my writing?
What components make writing good?

Tech Expectations: Open and on

1.     Goal debrief
2.     Continue drafting—AT OWN DESK
a.     Meet and greet with Schmitt

HW:  Draft due TOMORROW.  Bring PRINTED copy.