Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wordy Wednesday 3.11.15

Freshman College Prep Agenda

Wednesday: March 11, 2015
EQ: How does a metaphor function?
What are my reading strengths?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away

1.     R&R #46
2.     Metaphors in Group Books
a.     Find; cite (2-3 metaphors)
b.     Create your own
                                               i.     3 characters
                                              ii.     plot point
                                             iii.     setting

HW:  Group reading assignment for Friday, 3/13.

Bring photocopy of important passage. Mark or write down specific examples/sentences you think are important.  Be prepared to explain them.

Junior Honors Agenda
Wednesday: March 11, 2015

EQ:  What provides the strongest base for an argument?
What sources are reliable (or not)?

Tech Expectations: Open and on
1.     Entering the Conversation
a.     Goal today: 2-3 RELIABLE sources
2.     Meet and Greet

HW: Start cultivating sources; Entering the Conversation due Tuesday

Junior College Prep Agenda
Wednesday: March 11, 2015
EQ:  What methods best persuade?
What are my speaking and listening skills?

Tech Expectations: Open and on

1.     Speaking and Listening unit

HW: Speaking and Listening preparation