Thursday, April 23, 2015

Think It Through Thursday 4.23.15

Fun Fact:  It is Shakespeare's Birthday!  Happy 451st, Will!

Freshman College Prep Agenda

Thursday: April 23, 2015
EQ: How does Shakespeare manipulate language for a particular purpose?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away
1.     Poem of the Day
2.     Continue Act I
a.     Answer q’s
3.     “Heart Songs”—allusions
a.     allusions in Act I?

HW: none

Junior Honors Agenda
Thursday: April 23, 2015

EQ:  How do writers manipulate language for a particular purpose?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away

1.     Poem of the Day
2.     Poem in Your Pocket Day (4/30)
3.     Poetry Café tomorrow
4.     Discussion issues
a.     Practice
b.     Debrief
5.     Practice with group

HW: Reading assignment for Monday 4/27

Junior College Prep Agenda
Thursday: April 23, 2015
EQ:  What is the American Dream?
How does authorial context matter in understanding a text?

Tech Expectations: Open and on

1.     Poem of the Day
2.     Finish discussion
3.     Finish Gatsby background research
a.     Document is on classroom

HW: Research due on classroom tomorrow
No R&R tomorrow.  We will meet here first, then to the library for Poetry Café. 
Think about performing?