Monday, May 4, 2015

May the Fourth Be With You Today: 5.4.15

So...I may not be a huge Star Wars fan (don't hate me), but I DO love a good pun.  Can't resist May the 4th...

Freshman College Prep Agenda

Monday: May the 4th Be With You, 2015
EQ: How does Shakespeare manipulate language for a particular purpose?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away
1.     R&R—oral response; no folder needed
2.     Start Act II (scene v-vi)
a.     Answer q’s
3.     Romeo and Juliet’s wedding (vows)

HW: complete vows, if needed

1.  What was most challenging about writing the vows?

Junior Honors Agenda
Monday: May the 4th Be With You, 2015

EQ:  How do writers manipulate language for a particular purpose?
How can I SHOW, not tell?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away

1.     Read time
2.     Essay Prompt writing
a.     Checking traits
                                                        i.     Ideas
                                                       ii.     Voice
                                                      iii.     Word Choice

HW: Group Reading assignment for tomorrow
Continue to revise writing.  Final due Wednesday

1.  What aspect of your writing is challenging you the most right now: voice, ideas, or word choice?  How can I help?

Junior College Prep Agenda
Monday: May the 4th Be With You, 2015
EQ:  How do writers manipulate language for a particular effect?
How do parts of writing affect the whole?

Tech Expectations: Closed and put away

1.     R&R—oral response
2.     Finish Chapter 2 quotes discussion
3.     Create discussion q’s for novel so far.

HW: Finish Chapter 3 for tomorrow (annotate)

Finish Chapter 1 notes from classroom (add any needed details to your annotations.)  Share notes document with Schmitt when complete.

1.  What was most difficult about the Gatsby discussion today?