Sunday, February 10, 2019

New Year's Resolutions

It's mid-February, so it's a good time to check in our New Year's Resolutions.  So far, I'm doing okay.  Here are my 3 main resolutions (this is the wallpaper on my computer, by the way):

Right away in January, I contacted a local non-profit to see how I could help.  I anticipated they'd like me to tutor local students or something like that--something that spoke to my current strengths and profession.  However, I was asked to chair a golf outing.  I said yes, and boy, will it certainly fulfill my goal to volunteer...all year long.  On that note, if you have any recommendations for Silent Auction items--or are willing to donate an item or experience for the Silent Auction, let me know!

To further my meditation practice, I paid for the full access to the Headspace library when it was on sale.  I was doing pretty well with this in January, and I was definitely feeling the benefits.  I've let things slide a bit in February, so it's time to get back at it.

Finally, to get off of my phone, I've taken a few measures to help reduce my attraction to my phone.  They include:
1. reducing the number of notifications I receive
2.  using the Screen Time tracking on my iPhone to help me set goals to reduce my screen time
3.  deleting the twitter app--a major time-suck for me

There are some other great suggestions at these sites:

Of course, I wanted to work on the whole get-healthier-exercise-more thing, but those were my top three.  I also wanted to read more.  

I read an article like this: Listen to Audio Books While You Work Out.  It wasn't exactly this article ( I can't find the one I read), but this one addresses the same idea.  

I always thought it was dumb to listen to an audio book while working out.  That wouldn't get me pumped up!  I needed music to really get me going!  But...I thought I'd give it a try, and I was surprised by the results.  I was actually more motivated to get back to listening to the book than I was to get on the treadmill.  But...since I was so intrigued by the book I was listening to, I wanted to listen to it more and more--and made it my habit that I would only listen while I was on the treadmill.  I couldn't believe that that worked!  I even got up early just so I could walk and read!  Yes, at this point, I am only walking and reading.  But walking briskly.  And sometimes on an incline!

Elizabeth Graves, Editor in Chief of Martha Stewart Living magazine, stated this in her Editor's Letter: "I'll focus lesson the things I think I should do, and make more space for what I want to do."  That really struck a chord with me because it helped me think about my treadmill reading in a new way.  I wanted to read.  I knew I should exercise.  This was such a great way to get me to do both.

How are your New Year's Resolutions coming along? I'd love to hear what they are and how you are progressing.

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